Friday, June 7, 2013

thursday com(mute)

As I get older I’ve been finding myself increasingly ambivalent about thorough ass-wipings. 

It’s like listen, everyone has an asshole and most people shit out of them, so why do the two (assholes and shit) have to always be mutually exclusive?

I’m walking slower than usual to the train, burdened by the weight of cleanliness and visualizing tightly wound tubes of toothpaste being wound tighter against the knowledge that it’s impossible to squeeze everything out and anticipating someone wrapping his/her arm around my shoulder and whispering something like “hey sphincter-face, why so glum?” thereby allowing me to strangle him/her with my iPod earbud cord in an attempt to force out the remnants of what used to be colloquially known as a soul and rub them in his/her dying face like someone berating their French bulldog for rug-pissing while muttering "look at what you did, look at what you did..."

As usual, no one makes eye contact except for children. I want to wink and smile/grimace at them, but not in a way that suggests imminent molestation. More like, ah, wistful acceptance. Like, "No worries little man, Time will rape all of us soon enough."

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