Wednesday, June 26, 2013

tuesday com(mute)

Truth: French bulldog ownership increases the likelihood of eventual intercourse for the average American male. Smoothes the road, so to speak. 

You pass an average American male/French bulldog owner who is being accosted by two much younger, college-aged products of healthy Midwestern upbringings and Urban Outfitters’ tank top section and acknowledge that he is breathing proof of this truth. He is a late-20s finance bro in athletic shorts featuring the logo of a small, northern college and loafers/nautical shoes because it is his day off and he wants you to know he is ready for his day off. He is ready to traverse a variety of terrains because in his day exists the possibility for adventure.

And it is not your day off. It will never be your day off. Sheeeeit.

He is aw-shucksing and saying to the slightly-less-attractive-but-still-desirable girl, “I was looking into getting a rescue but come on loo-ook at this little guy,” while not casually staring at her more attractive counterpart (who is bent over petting the slobbering item of interest) in a way that suggests he never considered a rescue dog and that most or all of his canine research was aimed at orchestrating this exact experience.

He has maximized his investment.

He knows the over/under.

Through his iPhone research he knows that the present-day Frenchie stud, due to years of inbreeding, cannot reproduce naturally, his narrow hips unable to properly mount the bitch, who in turn (because of those same hips) is virtually incapable of natural birthing and almost always requires a caesarian section to extract her litter.

It’s possible he sees the irony in procuring sex with the help of what is in essence the living, shitting product of a centuries-long laboratory experiment, sexless in all but its ill-aligned anatomy. A sterile accessory.  It’s possible he knows that his dog exudes this sterility, this pheromone of safety and hints of platonic beginnings, and that it is his greatest weapon. He’s a standup individual! He gets tested regularly!

The finance bro’s dog sniffs the oversized bag the bent-over girl has slung over her shoulder and starts to lift his leg. Ready to mark. She squeals cutely and stands up. 

Her friend laughs. 

His grin spreads like melanoma. 

Congratulations, brother.

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