Saturday, February 1, 2014


The splatter of faces,
the friction,
karmic assload
of plastic trees
and fake-happy,
some of it wears off
on contact like
devoutly bruised apologies,
the slippery
and missing,
the glide on by
in this one aimless season
after another
when you are
too much
on and off
for a stirring.
What you pick up
you hold – particles
fall, some remain
others are brushed away
and this
is how it starts
and never
just layers
textures you touch
and become.
Left for hours wasting,
the room
is sealed,
its corners are yours,
the comfort
of the screenshot,
glaring frenzy
of color in what light
you have left. Answer
your hunger.
Limp and slightly aching
from the damp
arise: you have no secrets. 

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