Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Willie Nelson's (Organic) Spicy Potato and Onion Soup

After handing in my grad school thesis, and while I embark on the Great Hunt for a publisher for Monkeytown, not to mention decent editorial jobs that don't seem to exist anymore, I have a lot of free time on my hands. Most of this is spent pretending to venture out of my cave to hit up the gym and various artistic and cultural NYC destinations, working on my squash game, and playing the role of Aging Creepster at local college bars when there are drink specials. But I also get hungry. And in the spirit of being too frugally cognizant (i.e. broke) to eat out all the time (read: ever) I've spent the past few weeks finding simple, easy, and healthy (NO MORE CRACKDONALD'S!!!) recipes to which I can add my own humble twist. The following addition to the Small Drunken Cookbook is the first in what will hopefully be a short series (because once I get a book deal, I'll finally be able to score an 8:30 res at Dorsia).

Willie Nelson's Potato and Onion Soup is a spiced-up variation of a recipe I recently came across. Its name derives from the fact that with so much free time, I've been living a "green" lifestyle (as in eating healthy, sleeping late, and playing guitar, you weed heads!!), similar to that endorsed by the singer. Flavorful, hearty, and perfect for a cold, rainy spring evening, the soup's preparation is easy and wide open to personal preference, and shouldn't take more than 15-20 minutes to make.

What you'll need:

- skillet (frying pan)
- medium-sized pot
-1 organic diced (into cheese-square size pieces) potato from your local hippie/yuppie market
- 3-4 Tblsp. of diced onions
- 3 strips of turkey bacon
- a nice chunk of your favorite cheese (I prefer aged Gouda or smoked cheddar)
- 3-4 Tblsp. of chives
- at least 2 cups of milk (or soymilk)
- Bob's Red Mill Potato Flour (or any potato flour, or any flour, but potato flour works best)
- 1 Tblsp. of butter or extra slutty olive oil
- salt, black pepper, and ground red pepper
- a few drops of Tabasco sauce (for non-vaginas)

Begin by greasing skillet with butter or oil and start frying the bacon. When it's almost crispy, add the potatoes and onions. Remove the bacon when it's done; add salt, pepper, and red pepper and saute until the potatoes are a bit soft and onions are slightly brown (that's what she said). On a different burner, pour the milk into the pot, remembering to keep the heat at low to medium at all times. Stir in the contents of the skillet, making sure to include the bacon drippings for flavor. Stir in the chives, cheese, and (chopped up) bacon, then the flour for thickness (The amount of milk and flour used is entirely up to you - less flour and more milk for a thinner, traditional soup; more flour for a porridge-like consistency, which is how I like it). Continue stirring, adding more pepper or salt as you like. Cook for about five minutes or until it tastes right. As far as I'm concerned, the spicier the better.

Serves anywhere from 2-4 people, depending on your level of munchies.

Willie Nelson's can stand alone as a meal or late-night snack. I like it with pork chops and apple sauce, or as a prelude to any seafood dish. As with all the Small Drunken recipes, the soup is best enjoyed with a healthy glass of Maker's Mark and your favorite herbal blend. Cheers!

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